ADD: 成都市天府三街峰汇中心T2-306
TEL: 028-64641812
PHONE: 189 8067 5133
EMAIL: CDFCC1@163.com

Gentle Monster在今年6月,与吴亦凡携手推出了Gentle Wu系列,并于7月18日在Gentle Monster淮海路旗舰店的三层,开了一个以“The Roller”(轮滑空间)为主题的快闪店,其灵感源于“作为艺术家藏身之处的停车场”。一系列具有象征性和装饰性的艺术装置,体现了吴亦凡对跑车的钟爱以及产品的奢华风格。来到这里,迎接人们的是两块展示Gentle Wu系列产品的巨幅显示屏,在它们的中间,则是一辆未来汽车的现代雕塑品,十分抢眼。前面提到过,快闪店以轮滑空间为主题,因此溜冰场也成为了其中一个有趣的组成部分。

Coinciding with the release of the new Gentle Wu collaborative collection of Gentle Monster and Chinese-Canadian artist Kris Wu, the Korean eyewear brand has opened a pop-up space two floors up from its flagship store on bustling Huaihai Zhong Lu in Shanghai. Themed ‘The Roller’, the temporary space is a wonderful mash-up of parking lot and artist hideaway, and features a slew of symbolic and decorative elements which reflect the Wu’s penchant for fast cars and a lavish lifestyle. Upon entering the premises shoppers are greeted by two large monitors which feature the eyewear collection, while in-between, as if a modern sculpture, a futuristic car is showcased. Mind you, a rollerskating rink also forms a playful element of the setting, and is a nod to the aforementioned theme. In addition to the Gentle Wu collection, the pop-up space will also feature two special models exclusive to the store, gloves and a range of metal accessories. The Gentle Monster pop-up store is scheduled to open on Sat – Jul 18 and will be operational for two months only.


下一篇:【马爹利】2020 马爹利美食剧场
